July 5

Originally published at: July 5 – St Peters Bentley

:rotating_light: NEW BOOK ALERT :rotating_light:

Today we’re starting the second letter to the Thessalonians. As always we highly recommend the outline from the Bible Project.

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Jeremiah! 23 years of speaking out on God’s behalf and being ignored. Then we get the book, which even today has a bad rep. Sometimes serving God can be a grind, but he has said in his book, if he tries to keep silent the word of God burns within him.

Struck by how some of the sermon on the mount is so quotable and some not. The “do not worry” passage is a classic, but it follows straight on from “you cannot serve both God and money” - so the freedom from worry can only come when we surrender everything to God and don’t secretly make money our idol - much more difficult ! Then later Jesus affirms that many will choose the wider path without him, but following him means taking a narrower more tricky road