July 2

Originally published at: July 2 – St Peters Bentley

:rotating_light: NEW BOOK ALERT :rotating_light:

Today we’re starting the second letter to the Thessalonians. As always we highly recommend the outline from the Bible Project.

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The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light :bulb:

Lord, please help me to always walk in the light. Help others be drawn to your light and changed.


Reading Jeremiah I’m struck by how crazy it is that Israel records their own God condemning them — they must be the only nation whose God would say “I am against you”. You expect a nation’s god to be on their side in all circumstances, condemning the enemy. But the true and living God takes no sides, and speaks against israel in their sin.

Equally amazing that Job can say “even now my witness is in heaven; my advocate is on high. My intercessor is my friend”. Job seems to know something of God’s “Son from Heaven whom he be raised from the dead — Jesus who saves us from the coming wrath”. Though God has torn us to pieces, yet will he heal us.