July 19

Originally published at: July 19 – St Peters Bentley

Peter declares Jesus is the Messiah! And Jesus says that for him, and all of us, we cannot realise that unless it is shown us by God. Only he can take away our blindness

5/5 *1 (again)

I’m sure there are more significant ideas in Numbers, but for me, one of the central themes is that grumbling is dangerous. And that truth is referenced in today’s readings.

Matthew 16 could be entitled “adventures in missing the point”. I’ve met lots of people who serially miss the point. At least I hope it’s them and not me. This is also clearly on display in the reading from Job 34, much(?) of what Elihu makes sense, it just isn’t true about Job.

Feeling sorry for Jeremiah again today. Please God, don’t make me that obnoxious to others by making me tell them things they don’t want to hear.

Finally, the reason we bother with this book summed up beautifully in Hebrews 4:12 “The word of God is living and active… it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”

Here endeth the essay for today!