8 October

Originally published at: 8 October – St Peters Bentley

Jesus tells us that when disaster is happening around us we must stand firm and lift up our heads to see him - I guess he knows that we’re prone to losing our nerve with faith when it all looks bleak, but he promises that his words will be true for us in good and bad.

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No comment from @abbey.c today? :sleepy:

I’m here :grinning: busy day in the social life of Miss Harriet!

Some strong words from Jesus in Luke today. It’s so sad there are persecuted Christian’s around the world living in these circumstances Jesus described though, even in 2023 :cry: verse 33 has really stuck in my head ‘heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away’.

Romans 5 :heart_eyes: I just love the whole chapter. There is SO much to take away from it, but my fav is how it validates to keep trusting in God through times of hardship. “we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.” and life with hope is a beautiful thing. Did I mentioned I love the whole chapter.