3 August

Originally published at: 3 August – St Peters Bentley

:rotating_light: NEW BOOK ALERT :rotating_light:

Today we’re starting the remarkable story of Ezekiel. He’s a pretty unique individual, so why not get the the overview from the Bible Project before you start.

5/5 *1
Numbers. Not super feminist, but ok.
Ezekiel. Sounds mental. I think if I had the start of that vision I’d assume someone had slipped something in my tea, but when he sees God, he falls face down.
Proverbs. Temptation in the Bible is often spoken about like a woman trying to ensnare you. True fact, men can entice you in too. Either way, the easiest time to squash temptation is right at the start.
Matthew. The disciples are pretty rubbish. They fall asleep when Jesus needs their support and then promptly run away. Good work guys! Obvs not sure I would be any better.
Peter. Stand up for Jesus and don’t be ashamed. Great advice.