21 September

Originally published at: https://stpetersbentley.org/21-september/

Mary sits at Jesus’ feet as a disciple sits at a teacher’s feet. Love Jesus’ assurance that her love for him “will not be taken away from her”

Good Samaritan story is a warning to religious (including church) leaders!

And for anyone reading Genesis, no we will not be calling a baby boy Enosh.

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So today was a pretty easy one for me to get my head around! Love your neighbour as yourself :+1:. So if you don’t like it, they probably won’t either! Second thing don’t focus and stress on the little things, Chil and focus on what God is saying :heart::smiling_face:


Also what happens in Ephesus is pretty mental, praying that we see that happen in Bentley!

All round loved the Luke reading today. But reading ‘love the lord your God with all your heart, soul, strength and mind’ makes me feel warm and fuzzy. Also a reminder that no matter how busy we are we should always prioritise worshiping God. Something I need to work on!